• Akita Prefecture

There are gigantic and deformed trees scattered within the forest found at the base of Mt. Chokai. After a two and a half hour walk through a certain patch of the forest, you will see the "Great King". This "king", whose trunk measures at 7.62 measures is said to be more than 300 years old.
A waterfall with fifty thousand tons of spring water flowing daily from the rain and snow that seeped into Mt. Chokai. The natural beauty created by the combination of the white, thread-like waterflow and the green moss is truly a picturesque scenery.
There is an observation deck constructed with an old castle as the motif. You can view the sakura with a Japanese-style castle as the background. Shops serving Yokote's gourmet "Yokote Yakisoba" can be found within the area. Best time to view: Mid-April to late April
Locally produced agricultural goods, specialty sake, soy sauce and the like are sold here. And Akita's special "Iburi Gakko" snack is also sold as well. It's known that this was the site of a great battle according to Japan's history.